Do you have any tips about the cat litter box? Cats are naturally clean and dislike dirty and smelly litter boxes. The first thing to do to keep both yourself and your cat happy is ensuring the box is squeaky clean. If the box is squeaky clean and your cat still prefers going somewhere else, take your cat to the vet. There might be a physical problem that requires veterinary attention. Tips about the box Boxes that appeal to us humans are often disliked by cats. They want them to be large enough to dig, scratch, and turn around in. It also has to be easy to get into and out of. Kittens, senior cats, and cats with mobility issues will need boxes with low edges. Cats who are overweight, large, or like to play in the litter will need large boxes with high sides. Many humans like covered litter boxes – there’s less litter around it – but many cats dislike these. They can feel trapped inside, and the cover traps the smell. The average cat has fourteen times a human’s sense of smell and they don’t like stinky boxes. Many humans also like automatic litter boxes, because it’s convenient. Many cats accept them, but others don’t like them at all. If you have a covered and/or automatic box and your cat avoids it, try a large plastic box that is scooped manually. Cats don’t like to share Having more than one cat but only one litter box can lead to problems. Get one box for each cat, and one extra. They can be side by side in the same space, but if you notice conflict among the cats, it’s better to spread the boxes out in various locations. Cats prefer to have their box in a quiet and private location that is away from their food. They want a box that’s easy to access, and has an escape route. Tips about the litter Humans like scented litter. Cats prefer unscented litter with a fine texture. Two to three inches deep is the best, so they can dig. If your cat really likes to dig, you might want to go up to four inches. Clumping litter is easy to scoop, especially if you pick a scoop that fits your litter. Larger particles require larger holes… Scoop the box at least twice a day. Your litter should never smell bad, and the bottom of the box should not be wet. Wash the box every now then with hot water and detergent. Rinse well and spray with a mild bleach solution. Make sure not to use a cleaner with ammonia, because that smells a little like a cat’s pee and might make the cat avoid the box.